The drilling fluids laboratory has a 62 m
2working areaand is equipped with a ventilation hood. The lab servesfor instructional purposes for PET 322 Drilling Laboratory course as well as for the research purposes to our graduate students and the faculty. The objectives of the undergraduate drilling lab course are
To inform the students about the primary functions of drilling fluid
To introduce the test proceduresfor controllingthe properties of drilling fluid
To introduce the common additives used to obtain the desirable properties under various drilling conditions
To explain main factors governing the selection of drilling fluids
To improve technical report writing skills
The equipment in the lab are
- Mud mixers
- Multimixer
- Large volume mixing tank
- Pressurized aging cells
- Rolled oven
- Heated magnetic stirrer
- Centrifuge
- Mud balance
- Pressurized mud balance
- Filtrate analysis kit
- Hydrometer kit
- Mud deaerator
- Fann viscometers
- Variable speed viscometers
- Resistivity tester
- Standartd filterpress
- HTHP filterpress
- Methylene blue kit
- Sand content kit
- Retort kit
- Chemical analysis kit
The experiments conducted in the laboratory are
- Yield of clays and mud rheology
- Fluid loss of drilling muds
- Amount of solids in unweighted muds
- Low solids mud systems
- Amount of solids in weighted muds
- Salt and calcium contaminated muds
- Mud inhibition
- Oil-based mud design and control
- Shale stabilization
- Cement slurry design